How to Build a Relationship with your Clients Before Your Photography Session

a couple is looking at their baby who is sleeping in a bassnet

This is the first in my series of photography education resources for professional Twin Cities family photographers. I have been a family photographer for over 10 years and prior to that was both an educator and an executive in the non-profit industry. I am now a Master Family and Newborn Photographer providing fellow Twin Cities photographers with opportunities to grow and thrive in the craft they love through my photographer education workshops and resources! All of that combined with being a mom of three has been a blessing to my business and to the experience that my clients have with me. Whether you are a client who wants to know how my family photography business ticks or a photographer looking to grow in your craft, this series is for you!

The Importance of Relationship Building

a new mom is breast feeding her son while lying down on a bed with a white bedspread

My number one rule for building a successful photography business - or any service oriented business - is forming relationships with your clients. Providing a service is intimate. Whether you are a hair stylist, therapist, a house cleaner, a photographer or any other form of service provider, your business is all about working with people at a very personal level and involves trust. Cultivating that trust needs to begin from the very first point of contact and is built and nurtured through a number of different avenues. From your website, to your social media, to your communication process before and after your sessions - all are intertwined and impact the quality of your clients’ experience and ultimately the success of your business. Today, I want to focus on Relationship Building BEFORE you even click that shutter on session day.

How Do I Connect with My Ideal Client?

a couple is looking down at their newborn baby boy who is swaddled and lying in a bassinet during a newborn photo shoot

As a Twin Cities Family Photographer, I am constantly thinking about how to attract what I consider “ideal” clients for my business. Who are my ideal clients? How is what I offer the perfect choice for them? These questions are guideposts that I use to shape every aspect of my business. I literally write down the answers to these questions and use them as the basis for my website design and social media posts. I can’t stress how important it is to have different entry points that clients can reach you and having a well built website is at the top of my list. Websites offer your business a sense of legitimacy, they are a perfect way to house information about your sessions offerings and pricing, a means for clients to easily contact you, begin your booking process, and even sell products or special offerings. To me, social media is a tool to “enhance” your business by being a trendy way to meet people where they are at, showcasing your work, or share bits of information about you and your business, BUT, it should never be the ONLY way you communicate or as the only means to offer your services. It is just too unstable, run by algorithms, and, yes, “trendy.” Your website should the flagship of your business and giving it a lot of love and attention is key - we will learn more about that later! (Can you say SEO?).

For now, we are going to focus on how you communicate with your potential clients on your website. This is where they will meet you for the first time.

1) Does your website reflect your brand? Is it a reflection of YOU and who you are? Tell a bit about yourself (not just that you “like coffee” - but really share about your passions and why you do what you do!) Remember, service is personal and a potential client wants to know the person they are working with. Have a clear About page and have links to it on every page.

2) Share more than just pretty pictures. Your images are important, especially as a photographer. But they should reflect the story you are telling about what your client will experience. Be thoughtful in your image choices and pair them with information that is important to your client: Session experience details, instructions on how to book, pricing details, and easy to find links (throughout every page) of how to contact you are all important and should be accessible. Think of your website as a conversation. Your client has a question and you are providing the answers. You can see how I do this at the links I provided throughout this post!

Client Onboarding Process

a mom in a light blue dress is sitting on a gray couch and holding her baby close during a photo session

Once my client looks through my site and finds the answers they are looking for they are invited to book! I really encourage clients to review my site. I put all the information on there for a reason - so that they will be informed and have all the information they need to feel confident in their decision. Some clients reach out through my Contact page and immediately ask questions about pricing or session information. I welcome them, say I am excited to hear from them, and then refer them to the information on my site. It is all there and meant to be a resource for them. After they review the information, they are encouraged to reach out if they have further questions or, if they are ready, they are encouraged to take the next step and fill out my Booking Information Form.

This form is so important! I not only ask them simple questions about their contract information, session interest, etc. but I ask them to share with me their vision for their session, interests and hobbies, and details about their children who will be in the session. They also may share any special needs they have or concerns they want me to know about. This is all valuable and important information! These sections are also “required” on my form and cannot be skipped over. Other sections of the form are also helpful in shaping their session and help to insure we are a good fit. For example, I ask them everything from their vision for styling, clothing sizes, to due dates of their baby for newborn and maternity sessions. Lastly, I ask them if they understand “the pricing as it is explained to them”, and again, I refer them back to my pricing page in order that they always have access to the details. The key is to be give your client all of the information they need to make an informed decision and to make it accessible to them - in multiple ways.

After I receive their completed Booking Form, I reach out to them to welcome them personally and schedule their Pre-Session Consultation Zoom Call. Meeting with my clients face-to-face prior to their session is one of the most important things I have ever decided to do for my business success. This quick zoom call allows them an opportunity to ask questions and for us to get to know each other. It also allows me the opportunity to share with them, again, the pricing information and session details. This helps to insure I have an informed client! An informed client results in a confident and happy client and, ultimately, blesses their experience working with me. On this call, we select our date, time, and location and begin the styling process. Following the zoom call, they receive their contract and invoice for their deposit. They have two days to complete these documents and after all is received, they are consider fully booked. My client management system, 17Hats, allows me to create workflows that allow them to receive invoicing, important session information (prior to and after their session) as well for correspondence throughout our time working together. Prior to session day, I may also send a client welcome packet or a card welcoming them!

Putting these systems in place: a well designed website and a solid client onboarding process has been an integral part in helping me connect with my '“ideal” client and for them to have an incredible experience.

What has helped your business succeed? Do you have any struggles in finding your ideal client? Do you want some help or feedback? I would love to mentor you! I provide two workshops a year and individual mentoring throughout the year. Check out my Photography Education Page for all the details! I would love to help you grow!


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