Preparing Older Siblings for Baby's First Photo Shoot

big brother hugging his newborn baby brother during a photo shoot

Bringing home a new baby is exciting, but it can also be an adjustment for older siblings. Used to being the center of attention, older brothers and sisters may feel a little left out when the focus shifts to caring for baby.

A great way to help include your older kids is to have them participate in baby's first photo shoot! While this is a fun way to document baby's early days, it also makes older siblings feel special and important. Here are some tips for prepping your older children so they can really shine during the photos.

Explain What the Photo Shoot is For

First, explain to your older children what the purpose of the photo shoot is - to take pictures of baby for the baby book, to send to relatives, and to document baby's first weeks of life. Emphasize that THEY get to be part of the special event too by being in some of the pictures with baby.

Ask for Their Pose Ideas

Get your older kids excited about the photo shoot by asking them ahead of time to think of fun poses they can do while holding baby or standing next to them. Having a job and role in the shoot will make them eager to participate.

Have Them Pick Out a Special Outfit

Let your older children pick out a favorite dressy outfit to wear in the photos from our Children’s Client Closet. They can heart the outfits they love from the website. This might be something that makes them feel like a big kid and special. Giving them agency over what they wear gives them ownership.

Assign Them Roles for Photo Day

Give each sibling a role for the big photoshoot, like "in charge of making baby laugh" or "picks out baby's outfits." Having a special duty will make them feel helpful and included, and result in even cuter photos!

With a little prep work to get your older kids excited about participation, baby's first photo shoot can be a fun bonding experience for the whole family, resulting in pictures you'll cherish forever. The key is making sure everyone feels involved and important...including the older siblings!

For more tips to help you prepare for your Newborn Photo Session, refer to my Newborn Session Prep Guide!

So, when is the best time for newborn photos anyway? Check out this post to find out! When Should Newborn Photos Be Taken?

What is a Lifestyle Newborn Photography Session Like?


The Many Reasons We Love Being Newborn Photographers


Capturing Newborn Moments with Siblings